Worked as an animator prior, In ILM, Disney and much more Generally for a quick scene 3/4 back lighting is very effective Cinemachine- unity add on- Camera tool allows for cinematic camera movement, which can be used for Animation / game scenes, just drag and drop the camera on the timeline. merge imported animation clips together/ blend them with the scene timeline. Block out the camera shots for key scenes then in the timeline you can blend the cameras together to create camera movement from one to the next. 'align camera with view' is the fastest way to set up camera positioning.
'handheld noise'- allows camera shake to give a more realistic feel- has adjustable features Cinemachine also has an integrated compositor/ post- processing features. Making something look convincing- "Make it seem as if it was shot on the worlds sh**iest camera ever" - Ben Radcliffe 2020 e.g, Vignettes/ Noise/ Grain/ Motion Blur currently building more animation tools in unity, which may eventually allow game makers and possibly animators to actually animate within unity, without the need for other software like Maya, But just now its better to animate in Maya/ other specialised programs. Unity- blending animations has its uses, e.g for making animations for different languages, just switch the facial animation, which can be done real time, even included in .exe as by just changing the settings if set up correctly.